How to Restore List Row Highlighting when using Alternating Row Colors

When you enable alternating background colors for rows in a List, the effect that changes the background color when the mouse hovers over a list row may be lost. This article describes how to add the hover effect to the rows with alternating colors.

How to add Alternating Row Colors to a List Control Using CSS Selectors

Learn how to create alternating row colors for a List using an Alpha-based web theme using CSS classes instead of the Conditional Row Style List properties.

How to Capture and Restore the List's Scroll Position

Refreshing data in a list can sometimes cause it also reset it's scroll position. You can restore the List's scroll position by capturing the position before refreshing or performing some operation on the List and restore the scroll position after the operation completes with a few lines of code.

How to Consume Complex JSON Data in a List

Learn how to work with complex hierarchical JSON data in a List control.

How to Convert a List Control Between a Static and SQL Data Source

Learn how a List Control based on static data can be quickly converted to use a SQL database.

How to Dynamically Populate List Columns and Data

A List control can be dynamically repopulated with data from different tables.

How to Export Data in a List Control to Excel or Ascii Format

Data in a List Control can be exported to an Excel or Ascii file using Action Javascript. When exporting data from a List control to Excel or Ascii, all of the records the List query is based on can be exported or only the records shown in the List should be exported to Excel or Ascii.

How to Handle Write Conflicts in a List Control Programmatically

When synchronizing a List control with a Detail View, write conflicts can be resolved programmatically instead of letting the user decide what should happen.

How to Refresh List Data with "Pull-to-Refresh"

Pulling a page down past the top of the page is a common method for triggering a refresh of a web page or application. This action can be added to mobile applications to refresh data in a List Control.

How to add Search Highlighting to the List Control

Search Highlighting can be added to the List Control, making it easier for users to see the fields that matched the search criteria.

How to Search for multiple Logical values in a List Control

Adding checkboxes to search logical fields in a List control's Search Part may not behave as you expect. A better method is to use dropdownboxes.

How to Use the FormView Control to Edit Large Records

If a List's Detail View has large number of fields, using individual controls to edit the data can cause a significant performance hit. Using the FormView control offers a faster alternative, capable of scaling to hundreds of fields with minimal impact on load times.